Living Truths: Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians

The Letter to the Ephesians divides into two natural divisions: Chapters 1-3 reveal 12 spiritual blessings or privileges bestowed upon those who are “in Christ“, that is, upon those who by God’s grace through faith belong to Jesus Christ.

Chapters 4-6 concentrate on the believer’s “walk” or “life” in Christ and spells out God’s plan for maturing the believers as well as God’s plan for changing the believer. The Letter concludes by encouraging believers to “put on the full [head to toe] armor of God so as to be able to stand against the Devil’s schemes; his cunning, crafty deceit.

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  1. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians (84 pages – 5MB) This letter emphasizes 12 spiritual blessings given to believers by virtue of their being in or belonging to Jesus Christ and encourages them to “no longer live as the Gentiles do“, but “to live a life worthy of the calling they have received” in Christ.